Giant (2020-2022)The first images in the Giant project were inspired by the Covid restrictions. The breakdown of communication, the disintegration of established communication ties, isolation and loneliness - all this became an incentive to pick up the camera and plunge into self-reflection in these forcedly abnormal and harsh conditions. With the relaxation of the regime, the spatial horizons of studying my non-trivial body naturally opened up before my lens. As a result, it all turned into a kind of adventure, a journey of the body; the Big Body. I tried to turn the mise-en-scene of the story into a mythological realm; into a story about the life of some legendary giants. If I try to define the genre of the project, it will be difficult because of its hybridity and blurring. In fact, it is a self-portrait, but in an entourage, including landscapes. The unique quality of the project is its everyday life. Thanks to this diffuseness, the study of the inner world becomes as important as the visual delineation and construction of the outer world. The merging, not the opposition of these worlds gives "Giant" its harmonious naturalness, integrity and figurative appeal.
In my photographs I am always naked, because for me the body is always sincerity and openness, and I want to be as honest as possible with the viewer. The attitude to the naked body, say, in ancient times (art historians even have such a concept as "heroic nudity of a mature man"), or in our era of total and flattering selfies, Instagram exhibitionism, unrestrained demonstration of fitness beauty. At the same time, I try to do this without the help of accompanying bodily sexuality. It is absent in my project; the question of the body is exhausted by the body as such. In "Giant" the large form prevails. The figures seem to be sculptural, emphasized three-dimensional. Their relief seems to be implanted in a 2D picture, inside it. The project, which includes more than a hundred subjects, shows different approaches to shooting on location.. The giant awakens empathy with his spontaneity and openness. And if a portrait of a person is their story, then the space around the object builds its meaning.